hello again

I’ve been staying busy during Covid in many ways (I even built a whole page about it) but I’m finally getting around to updating this website.

So if you’re a patron of The 5th Avenue Theatre and read my dramaturgy work for Half The Sky, welcome - and I hope you enjoyed the show!

If you’re a member of the selection committee for the Miranda Family Fellowships at Woolly Mammoth Theatre Company, welcome - it’s probably weird for us both that you’re reading this right now, huh?

If you’ve seen some of my digital work with Dacha Theatre over the pandemic and it’s brought a smile to your face, welcome - I’m always excited to talk about reality tv, ghost hunting shows, Shakespeare, or whatever else was in the show you saw and liked. Come hang out with me for Trivia nights on the Dacha Twitch!

If you’re looking for what’s up for me next, check out Mañanaland with Book-It Repertory Theatre! And if you listen to it and like my audio drama voice(s), you can hire me to read you a story (the photographer of this post’s lovely thumbnail picture, Brett Love, will also vouch for me - and thanks to him I finally read/enjoyed some cyberpunk).

And if you just came across this site by happenstance, welcome - click around and get to know me a bit! I’m sure we can be pals.

Stay safe out there!


Beth Pollack1 Comment